Figure 3
Figure 3. SrfKOH fetal liver cells fail to engraft durably. 106 total CD45.2+ Srf+ or SrfKOH fetal liver cells were used to reconstitute wild-type CD45.1+ animals after high-dose (2 × 6 Gy) irradiation as indicated. Donor Srf+ and SrfKOH cells were distinguished by CD45.2 marker or use of the mT/mG system (mT, Srf+; mG, SrfKOH; see supplemental Figure 3). Solid symbols, Srf+; open symbols, SrfKOH. For raw data and results after low-dose irradiation (2 × 4.5 Gy), see supplemental Figure 4. (A) Peripheral blood analysis. Left, total donor and host cells were distinguished using CD45.2 (donor) and CD45.1 (host); middle and right, donor cells were analyzed for contribution of Srf+ (mT) or SrfKOH (mG) cells to B220 (B cell) or Gr-1 (granulocyte) lineages by gating on mT or mG as appropriate. Mean values are shown (n = 4-6 per condition). (B) Srf+ (mT) and SrfKOH (mG) cells in reconstituted bone marrow (left) and spleen (right) at 18 weeks. (C) Srf+ (mT) and SrfKOH (mG) LSK cells in reconstituted bone marrow at 18 weeks. Left, LSK-gated bone marrow; right, proportion of CD150+ cells. (D) Secondary transplants of bone marrow cells from animals reconstituted for 18 weeks with Srf+ or SrfKOH fetal liver cells. Reconstitutions were performed using 2 × 105 Srf+ (mT) or SrfKOH (mG) bone marrow cells; irradiation was at 2 × 6 Gy. Analysis was done as in (A). See also supplemental Figure 4C. (E) Proportion of LSK cells in bone marrow 16 weeks after the secondary transplant in (C). (F) SrfKOH cells compete ineffectively with Srf+ cells for bone marrow engraftment. Donor Srf+ and SrfKOH cells were engrafted either alone (left and center panels) or in 1:19 Srf+:SrfKOH ratio (right panel) after 2 × 6 Gy irradiation, and the proportions of LSK-gated Srf+ (mT), SrfKOH (mG), and host cells were measured 12 weeks later.

SrfKOH fetal liver cells fail to engraft durably. 106 total CD45.2+Srf+ or SrfKOH fetal liver cells were used to reconstitute wild-type CD45.1+ animals after high-dose (2 × 6 Gy) irradiation as indicated. Donor Srf+ and SrfKOH cells were distinguished by CD45.2 marker or use of the mT/mG system (mT, Srf+; mG, SrfKOH; see supplemental Figure 3). Solid symbols, Srf+; open symbols, SrfKOH. For raw data and results after low-dose irradiation (2 × 4.5 Gy), see supplemental Figure 4. (A) Peripheral blood analysis. Left, total donor and host cells were distinguished using CD45.2 (donor) and CD45.1 (host); middle and right, donor cells were analyzed for contribution of Srf+ (mT) or SrfKOH (mG) cells to B220 (B cell) or Gr-1 (granulocyte) lineages by gating on mT or mG as appropriate. Mean values are shown (n = 4-6 per condition). (B) Srf+ (mT) and SrfKOH (mG) cells in reconstituted bone marrow (left) and spleen (right) at 18 weeks. (C) Srf+ (mT) and SrfKOH (mG) LSK cells in reconstituted bone marrow at 18 weeks. Left, LSK-gated bone marrow; right, proportion of CD150+ cells. (D) Secondary transplants of bone marrow cells from animals reconstituted for 18 weeks with Srf+ or SrfKOH fetal liver cells. Reconstitutions were performed using 2 × 105Srf+ (mT) or SrfKOH (mG) bone marrow cells; irradiation was at 2 × 6 Gy. Analysis was done as in (A). See also supplemental Figure 4C. (E) Proportion of LSK cells in bone marrow 16 weeks after the secondary transplant in (C). (F) SrfKOH cells compete ineffectively with Srf+ cells for bone marrow engraftment. Donor Srf+ and SrfKOH cells were engrafted either alone (left and center panels) or in 1:19 Srf+:SrfKOH ratio (right panel) after 2 × 6 Gy irradiation, and the proportions of LSK-gated Srf+ (mT), SrfKOH (mG), and host cells were measured 12 weeks later.

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