Figure 6
Figure 6. Evidence for a role for both platelet aggregation and secretion in maintaining cerebral vascular integrity. (A) Mice deficient in the major platelet integrin subinit αIIb present with cerebral hemorrhaging at E12.5 (black arrows; 6 of 6 αIIb−/− embryos). Hemorrhages were also observed in 6 of 8 embryos at E12.5 from mice in which both platelet α-granule and dense-granule secretion is abolished (black arrows; Nbeal-2−/−Unc13d−/−). Scale bars, 1 mm. (B) H&E coronal sections from E12.5 embryo heads show the accumulation of erythrocytes in the ventricles of αIIb−/− (n = 6) and Nbeal-2−/−Unc13d−/− (n = 6 of 8) embryos (red arrows), whereas only a minor hemorrhage was observed in 1 of 17 wild-type littermate controls (+/+). White boxes show magnified areas in the lower panel. Scale bars, 50 μm.

Evidence for a role for both platelet aggregation and secretion in maintaining cerebral vascular integrity. (A) Mice deficient in the major platelet integrin subinit αIIb present with cerebral hemorrhaging at E12.5 (black arrows; 6 of 6 αIIb−/− embryos). Hemorrhages were also observed in 6 of 8 embryos at E12.5 from mice in which both platelet α-granule and dense-granule secretion is abolished (black arrows; Nbeal-2−/−Unc13d−/−). Scale bars, 1 mm. (B) H&E coronal sections from E12.5 embryo heads show the accumulation of erythrocytes in the ventricles of αIIb−/− (n = 6) and Nbeal-2−/−Unc13d−/− (n = 6 of 8) embryos (red arrows), whereas only a minor hemorrhage was observed in 1 of 17 wild-type littermate controls (+/+). White boxes show magnified areas in the lower panel. Scale bars, 50 μm.

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