Figure 3
Figure 3. PAD4−/− mice are similarly susceptible to bacteremia in polymicrobial sepsis as their PAD4+/+ littermates during high-grade CLP. Mice were subjected to high-grade CLP. (A) Survival curves indicating similar survival rates of PAD4−/− mice and their PAD4+/− or PAD4+/+ littermates in high-grade CLP. (B) Bacterial CFUs were quantified from the blood, liver, and lung 18 hours after high-grade CLP to determine systemic bacteremia and were not significantly different between genotypes. (C) Loss of body temperature was similar in PAD4−/− mice and their littermates. (D) High-grade CLP resulted in higher increases in plasma DNA in PAD4+/+ or PAD4+/− mice compared with PAD4−/− mice. (E-F) Cytokine levels in the plasma of mice. IL-6 (E) and IL-10 (F) were similarly produced in mice of all genotypes; n = 4-8. (G) Survival curve of PAD4+/+ or PAD4−/− mice that were given the broad-spectrum antibiotic imipenem/cilastatin 4 to 6 hours after CLP. Mortality was accelerated in the PAD4−/− mice (P = .043). (H) Bacterial CFUs were not statistically different between PAD4+/+ or PAD4−/− mice in the blood, liver, or lung 24 hours after CLP. NS, not significant. PAD4+/+, black; PAD4+/−, blue; and PAD4−/−, red.

PAD4−/− mice are similarly susceptible to bacteremia in polymicrobial sepsis as their PAD4+/+ littermates during high-grade CLP. Mice were subjected to high-grade CLP. (A) Survival curves indicating similar survival rates of PAD4−/− mice and their PAD4+/− or PAD4+/+ littermates in high-grade CLP. (B) Bacterial CFUs were quantified from the blood, liver, and lung 18 hours after high-grade CLP to determine systemic bacteremia and were not significantly different between genotypes. (C) Loss of body temperature was similar in PAD4−/− mice and their littermates. (D) High-grade CLP resulted in higher increases in plasma DNA in PAD4+/+ or PAD4+/− mice compared with PAD4−/− mice. (E-F) Cytokine levels in the plasma of mice. IL-6 (E) and IL-10 (F) were similarly produced in mice of all genotypes; n = 4-8. (G) Survival curve of PAD4+/+ or PAD4−/− mice that were given the broad-spectrum antibiotic imipenem/cilastatin 4 to 6 hours after CLP. Mortality was accelerated in the PAD4−/− mice (P = .043). (H) Bacterial CFUs were not statistically different between PAD4+/+ or PAD4−/− mice in the blood, liver, or lung 24 hours after CLP. NS, not significant. PAD4+/+, black; PAD4+/−, blue; and PAD4−/−, red.

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