Figure 4
4BL cells induce GrB+CD8+ T cells and retard tumor growth in old mice. The retarded B16 melanoma growth in old syngeneic mice (A) is lost in Old-restored mice (B). Young, Old-IgG, and Old-restored C57BL/6 mice (as in Figure 2B,D) were s.c. challenged with 105 B16 melanoma cells. (C) 4BL cells are responsible for the retarded tumor growth. μMT mice with B16 melanoma were adoptively transferred with B cells from young mice (Young-B), Old-IgG mice (Old-IgG-B), or Old-restored mice (Old-restored-B). B16 melanoma growth in (C) correlates with the expansion of GrB+CD8+ T cells in PB (i), spleen (ii), and tumor (iii). Shown are mean tumor size (mm2) ± SEM (A-Bi), final tumor weight (g) ± SEM (Bii-C), and GrB+CD8+ T cells ± SEM (number ×105, D) of 4 to 5-mice-per-group experiments independently reproduced at least 2 times. (E) Shown are a representative result showing differences in 4-1BBL+ B cells between auto-HSCT patient samples used, such as high (18%, Pat #1B) and low (4%, Pat #2, i) and their in vitro ability to induce GrB expression within healthy young people CD8+ T cells (mean ± SEM of triplicate experiment, ii). Control healthy donor B cells (HD, i-ii) contained <6% 4-1BBL+ B cells (as in Figure 1B). The GrB induction was completely blocked in the presence of antagonistic anti-4-1BB Ab (α4-1BB), but in not control Ab (ii).

4BL cells induce GrB+CD8+ T cells and retard tumor growth in old mice. The retarded B16 melanoma growth in old syngeneic mice (A) is lost in Old-restored mice (B). Young, Old-IgG, and Old-restored C57BL/6 mice (as in Figure 2B,D) were s.c. challenged with 105 B16 melanoma cells. (C) 4BL cells are responsible for the retarded tumor growth. μMT mice with B16 melanoma were adoptively transferred with B cells from young mice (Young-B), Old-IgG mice (Old-IgG-B), or Old-restored mice (Old-restored-B). B16 melanoma growth in (C) correlates with the expansion of GrB+CD8+ T cells in PB (i), spleen (ii), and tumor (iii). Shown are mean tumor size (mm2) ± SEM (A-Bi), final tumor weight (g) ± SEM (Bii-C), and GrB+CD8+ T cells ± SEM (number ×105, D) of 4 to 5-mice-per-group experiments independently reproduced at least 2 times. (E) Shown are a representative result showing differences in 4-1BBL+ B cells between auto-HSCT patient samples used, such as high (18%, Pat #1B) and low (4%, Pat #2, i) and their in vitro ability to induce GrB expression within healthy young people CD8+ T cells (mean ± SEM of triplicate experiment, ii). Control healthy donor B cells (HD, i-ii) contained <6% 4-1BBL+ B cells (as in Figure 1B). The GrB induction was completely blocked in the presence of antagonistic anti-4-1BB Ab (α4-1BB), but in not control Ab (ii).

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