Figure 7
Figure 7. Rapamycin enhances in situ transduction of mouse bone marrow cells following IO infusion. C57BL/6 mice were treated with IO infusions of RRL-MND-GFP, 3.3 × 109 TU/mouse, in the absence or presence of 250 μg/kg rapamycin. Bone marrow cells were isolated 62 days after injection, and EGFP expression and MFI in bone marrow Lin−Sca-1+c-Kit+ cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. LV copy number per cell was determined by qPCR. Each point represents 1 mouse. Lines represent group mean, and error bars represent standard deviation. ***P < .001 from a parametric 2-tailed unpaired Student t test.

Rapamycin enhances in situ transduction of mouse bone marrow cells following IO infusion. C57BL/6 mice were treated with IO infusions of RRL-MND-GFP, 3.3 × 109 TU/mouse, in the absence or presence of 250 μg/kg rapamycin. Bone marrow cells were isolated 62 days after injection, and EGFP expression and MFI in bone marrow LinSca-1+c-Kit+ cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. LV copy number per cell was determined by qPCR. Each point represents 1 mouse. Lines represent group mean, and error bars represent standard deviation. ***P < .001 from a parametric 2-tailed unpaired Student t test.

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