Figure 1
Figure 1. Structure and expression of zebrafish Tpo. (A) Protein structure diagram of human (top) and zebrafish (bottom) Tpo. Black boxes represent the leader sequence, open boxes represent the conserved Epo/Tpo domain, Cs represent conserved Cys residues, *s represent glycosylation sites, and the gray box represents the C-terminal TPO domain found only in mammals. Modified from Bartunek et al.2 (B) Overall structure and secondary-structure elements of zebrafish Tpo, protein is represented as a ribbon diagram. (C) qRT-PCR analysis of tpo levels in adult organs. Tissues are listed along x-axis. The fold change in the expression is relative to kidney marrow, defined as “1.” Bars represent the mean values of 3 biological samples, with error bars representing standard deviation.

Structure and expression of zebrafish Tpo. (A) Protein structure diagram of human (top) and zebrafish (bottom) Tpo. Black boxes represent the leader sequence, open boxes represent the conserved Epo/Tpo domain, Cs represent conserved Cys residues, *s represent glycosylation sites, and the gray box represents the C-terminal TPO domain found only in mammals. Modified from Bartunek et al. (B) Overall structure and secondary-structure elements of zebrafish Tpo, protein is represented as a ribbon diagram. (C) qRT-PCR analysis of tpo levels in adult organs. Tissues are listed along x-axis. The fold change in the expression is relative to kidney marrow, defined as “1.” Bars represent the mean values of 3 biological samples, with error bars representing standard deviation.

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