Figure 2
Figure 2. CGS 21680 prevents PMN accumulation and fibrin generation in WT mice. (A) Representative images of adherent PMNs pretreated with CGS 21680 (middle panel) or not (left and right panels) on nonactivated HUVECs (left panel) or IL1-β–activated HUVECs (middle and right panels). The graph represents the percentage of adherent PMNs over time on nonactivated (green curve) or IL1-β–activated HUVECs in presence (blue curve) or absence of CGS 21680 (red curve). (B-C) Thrombus formation was induced using a nitrogen dye laser on the cremaster. PMNs (B, upper panel) and fibrin (C, upper panel) were detected using the Ly-6G and fibrin-specific antibodies, respectively, before or after infusion of CGS 21680. Kinetics of PMN accumulation (B, lower panel) and fibrin generation (C, lower panel) at the site of laser-induced injury was compared before or after infusion of CGS 21680 (30 thrombi in 3 mice for each condition). The graphs depict the median of the maximal integrated fluorescence intensity of PMNs (B) and fibrin (C) in presence or absence of CGS 21680. *P < .05.

CGS 21680 prevents PMN accumulation and fibrin generation in WT mice. (A) Representative images of adherent PMNs pretreated with CGS 21680 (middle panel) or not (left and right panels) on nonactivated HUVECs (left panel) or IL1-β–activated HUVECs (middle and right panels). The graph represents the percentage of adherent PMNs over time on nonactivated (green curve) or IL1-β–activated HUVECs in presence (blue curve) or absence of CGS 21680 (red curve). (B-C) Thrombus formation was induced using a nitrogen dye laser on the cremaster. PMNs (B, upper panel) and fibrin (C, upper panel) were detected using the Ly-6G and fibrin-specific antibodies, respectively, before or after infusion of CGS 21680. Kinetics of PMN accumulation (B, lower panel) and fibrin generation (C, lower panel) at the site of laser-induced injury was compared before or after infusion of CGS 21680 (30 thrombi in 3 mice for each condition). The graphs depict the median of the maximal integrated fluorescence intensity of PMNs (B) and fibrin (C) in presence or absence of CGS 21680. *P < .05.

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