Figure 3
Lack of Hamp supports recovery from BA-induced anemia. (A) Hamp-KO mice were fed an iron-deficient diet (2.5 ppm iron) to determine the effect of their tissue iron storage on the recovery from BA-induced anemia. Hamp-KO controls were fed a standard iron content diet (regular). WT mice were either fed the iron-deficient diet or a 2% iron enriched diet to generate iron-depleted or iron-overloaded mice that maintain normal Hamp expression. Iron depletion was monitored by measuring mice Hb levels, whereas iron overload was determined by increased hepatic Hamp expression (data not shown). Total iron content was measured in the (B) liver and (C) spleen of iron-depleted Hamp-KO, iron-overloaded WT, and the respective control mice (n = 3-5). (D) Hamp-KO mice fed the low iron diet, WT mice fed the low or high iron diet, and Hamp-KO and WT controls on the regular diet were injected with 5 × 108 particles of BA, and their hematological parameters were followed with CBC over 6 weeks (n = 4-8). Iron-depleted Hamp-KO mice were compared with control Hamp-KO mice, whereas iron-depleted and iron-overloaded WT mice were compared with control WT mice for the respective time points. Error bars represent SD. P values were calculated using unpaired, 2-tailed Student t test. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

Lack of Hamp supports recovery from BA-induced anemia. (A) Hamp-KO mice were fed an iron-deficient diet (2.5 ppm iron) to determine the effect of their tissue iron storage on the recovery from BA-induced anemia. Hamp-KO controls were fed a standard iron content diet (regular). WT mice were either fed the iron-deficient diet or a 2% iron enriched diet to generate iron-depleted or iron-overloaded mice that maintain normal Hamp expression. Iron depletion was monitored by measuring mice Hb levels, whereas iron overload was determined by increased hepatic Hamp expression (data not shown). Total iron content was measured in the (B) liver and (C) spleen of iron-depleted Hamp-KO, iron-overloaded WT, and the respective control mice (n = 3-5). (D) Hamp-KO mice fed the low iron diet, WT mice fed the low or high iron diet, and Hamp-KO and WT controls on the regular diet were injected with 5 × 108 particles of BA, and their hematological parameters were followed with CBC over 6 weeks (n = 4-8). Iron-depleted Hamp-KO mice were compared with control Hamp-KO mice, whereas iron-depleted and iron-overloaded WT mice were compared with control WT mice for the respective time points. Error bars represent SD. P values were calculated using unpaired, 2-tailed Student t test. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

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