Figure 3
Figure 3. Morphologic features of MYC-negative high-grade lymphomas. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin preparation showing the morphology and CD20, CD10, BCL2, and Ki67 expression by immunohistochemistry of (A) case 1, (B) case 2, and (C) case 3 in cohort 2. (D) Heatmap showing the morphologic and the immunohistochemical features of the 17 MYC-negative high-grade lymphomas. The morphologic characteristics included information of the cytology, growth pattern, and bystander cells. Red, pro-Burkitt: medium cell size; no cell polymorphism; narrow cytoplasm; round nuclear shape; multiple, small, and paracentric nucleoli; “starry-sky” growth pattern; scattered bystander cells; and sparse eosinophils. Blue, no BL-like: large cell size; cell polymorphism; abundant cytoplasm; irregular nuclear shape; multiple, small, eccentric (centroblast-like) nucleoli/single, large, central (immunoblast-like) nucleolus/finely, granular (lymphoblast-like)/other chromatin; absent “starry-sky” growth pattern; abundant bystander cells. Immunohistochemical analyses included data on CD20, CD10, CD5, BCL2, BCL6, and Ki67. –, negative; +, positive; IHC, immunohistochemistry; na, not available; P, partial.

Morphologic features of MYC-negative high-grade lymphomas. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin preparation showing the morphology and CD20, CD10, BCL2, and Ki67 expression by immunohistochemistry of (A) case 1, (B) case 2, and (C) case 3 in cohort 2. (D) Heatmap showing the morphologic and the immunohistochemical features of the 17 MYC-negative high-grade lymphomas. The morphologic characteristics included information of the cytology, growth pattern, and bystander cells. Red, pro-Burkitt: medium cell size; no cell polymorphism; narrow cytoplasm; round nuclear shape; multiple, small, and paracentric nucleoli; “starry-sky” growth pattern; scattered bystander cells; and sparse eosinophils. Blue, no BL-like: large cell size; cell polymorphism; abundant cytoplasm; irregular nuclear shape; multiple, small, eccentric (centroblast-like) nucleoli/single, large, central (immunoblast-like) nucleolus/finely, granular (lymphoblast-like)/other chromatin; absent “starry-sky” growth pattern; abundant bystander cells. Immunohistochemical analyses included data on CD20, CD10, CD5, BCL2, BCL6, and Ki67. –, negative; +, positive; IHC, immunohistochemistry; na, not available; P, partial.

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