Figure 4
Figure 4. AAMs derived from inflammatory monocytes express PD-L2, CD206, and MHC class II, but not tissue macrophage-derived AAMs. FACS analysis of (A) PD-L2, (B) CD206 and (C) MHC class II from peritoneal macrophages of mice untreated (naïve/resident) or injected i.p. with IL-4c alone (IL-4c) or thioglycollate alone (Thio) or Thio and IL-4c (Thio+IL-4c). Graphs depict the geometric median fluorescent intensity (MFI) of PD-L2 and CD206 and percentage of MHC class II, gated on CD11b+ cells from the peritoneal cavity of individual mice. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments. (D) Stat6 is required for regulating PD-L2 but not CD206 expression in monocyte-derived AAMs. (E) Quantitation of CD11b+ cells that are CD206+PD-L2+ from the peritoneal cavity of individual mice and (F) the total number of peritoneal cavity cells recovered from treated animals. Results shown are representative of 2 independent experiments. *P < .05 and **P < .01 as determined by ANOVA.

AAMs derived from inflammatory monocytes express PD-L2, CD206, and MHC class II, but not tissue macrophage-derived AAMs. FACS analysis of (A) PD-L2, (B) CD206 and (C) MHC class II from peritoneal macrophages of mice untreated (naïve/resident) or injected i.p. with IL-4c alone (IL-4c) or thioglycollate alone (Thio) or Thio and IL-4c (Thio+IL-4c). Graphs depict the geometric median fluorescent intensity (MFI) of PD-L2 and CD206 and percentage of MHC class II, gated on CD11b+ cells from the peritoneal cavity of individual mice. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments. (D) Stat6 is required for regulating PD-L2 but not CD206 expression in monocyte-derived AAMs. (E) Quantitation of CD11b+ cells that are CD206+PD-L2+ from the peritoneal cavity of individual mice and (F) the total number of peritoneal cavity cells recovered from treated animals. Results shown are representative of 2 independent experiments. *P < .05 and **P < .01 as determined by ANOVA.

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