Figure 2
Figure 2. HeliScopeCAGE-based DGE analysis. (A) A multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot for replicate HeliScopeCAGE-based DGE data shows distance of samples based on tag distribution in expressed genes. (B) Differential gene expression between pRA+Treg and the indicated T-cell types. Numbers indicate the number of significantly upregulated genes in either cell type (5% false discovery rate cutoff) for each pairwise comparison. Boxes contain generic gene ontology (GO) terms (color coding refers to the corresponding cell type, numbers in parentheses correspond to enrichment q values) enriched in each differential gene set. A complete list of all expressed genes and corrected q values for all relevant pairwise comparisons is provided in supplemental Table 3. (C) DGE data for the top 50 significantly differentially expressed genes in a pairwise comparison of pRA+Treg vs pRA+Tconv. Shown are data for both primary and expanded RA+ cells. (D) A Treg core signature displaying unsupervised hierarchical clustering of genes differing highly significantly in expression between pTreg and pTconv in both CD45RA+ naïve and CD45RA– memory subpopulations. eTreg were included in the clustering to visualize expression changes of core Treg genes after in vitro expansion. Values were log2 transformed and normalized to the geometric mean of tag counts in pTreg and pTconv subpopulations for every gene.

HeliScopeCAGE-based DGE analysis. (A) A multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot for replicate HeliScopeCAGE-based DGE data shows distance of samples based on tag distribution in expressed genes. (B) Differential gene expression between pRA+Treg and the indicated T-cell types. Numbers indicate the number of significantly upregulated genes in either cell type (5% false discovery rate cutoff) for each pairwise comparison. Boxes contain generic gene ontology (GO) terms (color coding refers to the corresponding cell type, numbers in parentheses correspond to enrichment q values) enriched in each differential gene set. A complete list of all expressed genes and corrected q values for all relevant pairwise comparisons is provided in supplemental Table 3. (C) DGE data for the top 50 significantly differentially expressed genes in a pairwise comparison of pRA+Treg vs pRA+Tconv. Shown are data for both primary and expanded RA+ cells. (D) A Treg core signature displaying unsupervised hierarchical clustering of genes differing highly significantly in expression between pTreg and pTconv in both CD45RA+ naïve and CD45RA memory subpopulations. eTreg were included in the clustering to visualize expression changes of core Treg genes after in vitro expansion. Values were log2 transformed and normalized to the geometric mean of tag counts in pTreg and pTconv subpopulations for every gene.

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