Figure 1
Figure 1. Effect of aprotinin, TXA, EACA, and GM-6001 on leukocyte extravasation. Extravasation of total leukocytes (A), neutrophils (B), and monocytes/macrophages (C) to the peritoneal cavity was quantified 3 hours after intraperitoneal injection of PAF or CCL3 as detailed in the “Methods” section. (D) Representative in vivo transillumination microscopy images of inflamed cremasteric postcapillary venules in animals treated with aprotinin, TXA, EACA, GM-6001, or vehicle. Leukocyte rolling (E), firm adherence (F), and transmigration (G) were quantified 3 hours after intrascrotal injection of PAF or CCL3 by in vivo transillumination microscopy, as detailed in the “Methods” section. Panels show results for PBS-treated control mice as well as for mice receiving aprotinin, TXA, EACA, GM-6001, or drug vehicle (#P < .05 vs control; *P < .05 vs vehicle for n = 4 per group).

Effect of aprotinin, TXA, EACA, and GM-6001 on leukocyte extravasation. Extravasation of total leukocytes (A), neutrophils (B), and monocytes/macrophages (C) to the peritoneal cavity was quantified 3 hours after intraperitoneal injection of PAF or CCL3 as detailed in the “Methods” section. (D) Representative in vivo transillumination microscopy images of inflamed cremasteric postcapillary venules in animals treated with aprotinin, TXA, EACA, GM-6001, or vehicle. Leukocyte rolling (E), firm adherence (F), and transmigration (G) were quantified 3 hours after intrascrotal injection of PAF or CCL3 by in vivo transillumination microscopy, as detailed in the “Methods” section. Panels show results for PBS-treated control mice as well as for mice receiving aprotinin, TXA, EACA, GM-6001, or drug vehicle (#P < .05 vs control; *P < .05 vs vehicle for n = 4 per group).

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