Figure 6
Figure 6. Effects of vascular growth factor treatment on the glial and neuronal structures. (A-E) Qualitative analysis of astrocytes by immunostaining for GFAP. Scale bar, 200 μm. (F-J) Qualitative analysis of neuronal structures by immunostaining for neurofilaments. Nuclear staining with DAPI. Scale bar, 50 μm. Arrows point out needle path (A-B,E). Arrowheads point to hemangiomas and its side effects in the (C-D) glial and (H-I) neuronal structures.

Effects of vascular growth factor treatment on the glial and neuronal structures. (A-E) Qualitative analysis of astrocytes by immunostaining for GFAP. Scale bar, 200 μm. (F-J) Qualitative analysis of neuronal structures by immunostaining for neurofilaments. Nuclear staining with DAPI. Scale bar, 50 μm. Arrows point out needle path (A-B,E). Arrowheads point to hemangiomas and its side effects in the (C-D) glial and (H-I) neuronal structures.

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