Figure 1
Figure 1. In silico analysis of small molecule binding pockets on the surface of the C2 domain of human FVIII and FV. Ribbon diagram presentation of the C2 domain of FVIII (magenta) and FV (green). The consensus from pocket detection programs is shown here, illustrating the presence of 3 potential locations for pockets that may bind small molecules on the surface of the C2 domains: in zones A, B, and C. Zone A was found only in the FVIII structure. The overall shape of the pockets identified is indicated in a mesh representation for FVIII and a solid surface for FV.

In silico analysis of small molecule binding pockets on the surface of the C2 domain of human FVIII and FV. Ribbon diagram presentation of the C2 domain of FVIII (magenta) and FV (green). The consensus from pocket detection programs is shown here, illustrating the presence of 3 potential locations for pockets that may bind small molecules on the surface of the C2 domains: in zones A, B, and C. Zone A was found only in the FVIII structure. The overall shape of the pockets identified is indicated in a mesh representation for FVIII and a solid surface for FV.

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