Figure 3
Forest plot showing crude and adjusted ORs and 95% CIs of association between eBL and subclass-specific antibodies to Pf malaria antigens SE36 and HRP-IIIgG3 and joint effects of detection of antibodies to SE36 and HRP-II. Top: SE36; middle: HRP-IIIgG3; bottom: joint effects of detection of antibodies to SE36 and HRP-II. Open circles are crude ORs and filled squares are aORs. Adjusted models included age group, sex, enrollment year, and inclusion or not in the first study of anti-SE36 seroreactivity and antimalaria and anti–tetanus toxoid antibodies (see Methods). The x-axis scales in the first 2 panels are from 0.1 to 10, while the x-axis scale in the third panel is 0.01 to 100.

Forest plot showing crude and adjusted ORs and 95% CIs of association between eBL and subclass-specific antibodies to Pf malaria antigens SE36 and HRP-IIIgG3 and joint effects of detection of antibodies to SE36 and HRP-II. Top: SE36; middle: HRP-IIIgG3; bottom: joint effects of detection of antibodies to SE36 and HRP-II. Open circles are crude ORs and filled squares are aORs. Adjusted models included age group, sex, enrollment year, and inclusion or not in the first study of anti-SE36 seroreactivity and antimalaria and anti–tetanus toxoid antibodies (see Methods). The x-axis scales in the first 2 panels are from 0.1 to 10, while the x-axis scale in the third panel is 0.01 to 100.

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