Figure 1
Dot plot showing log-transformed (base 2) antibody titers (AUs) to Pf antigens SE36IgG1, HRP-IIIgG3, 6NANPIgG3, MSP-1IgG3, and tetanus toxoidIgG3 for children with eBL and location-matched controls. Each dot represents a single subject. The dotted line inside the box represents the mean, the solid line inside the box represents the median, and the outer lines of the boxes represent values equal to the mean ± 1 standard deviation. The P values are the probability that the mean results in the controls are equal to the mean results in the cases, based on the Student t test. SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error.

Dot plot showing log-transformed (base 2) antibody titers (AUs) to Pf antigens SE36IgG1, HRP-IIIgG3, 6NANPIgG3, MSP-1IgG3, and tetanus toxoidIgG3 for children with eBL and location-matched controls. Each dot represents a single subject. The dotted line inside the box represents the mean, the solid line inside the box represents the median, and the outer lines of the boxes represent values equal to the mean ± 1 standard deviation. The P values are the probability that the mean results in the controls are equal to the mean results in the cases, based on the Student t test. SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error.

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