Figure 3
Figure 3. Methylation changes at pd-DMR genes accompany progression of myeloma cells to aggressive phenotypes. Methylation β values of 5 MGUS individuals, 159 MM and 31 PCL samples, and 11 myeloma cell lines (HMCL) are shown as box-whisker plots with error bars indicating 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles. Solid circles represent outlier cases. **Statistically significant (P < .01) differences in group β values per Mann-Whitney U test. Methylation values between MGUS and MM were not significantly different.

Methylation changes at pd-DMR genes accompany progression of myeloma cells to aggressive phenotypes. Methylation β values of 5 MGUS individuals, 159 MM and 31 PCL samples, and 11 myeloma cell lines (HMCL) are shown as box-whisker plots with error bars indicating 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles. Solid circles represent outlier cases. **Statistically significant (P < .01) differences in group β values per Mann-Whitney U test. Methylation values between MGUS and MM were not significantly different.

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