Scanning electron micrographs of red cells in hereditary elliptocytosis (A). Lateral linkages between spectrin dimer-dimers and between spectrin, actin, and protein 4.1R in the junctional complex in the spectrin-based red cell membrane skeleton (B). ABD, actin-binding domain; EF, hand motif. (Modified from Mohandas N, Gallagher PG. Blood. 2008;112(10):3939-3948.)

Scanning electron micrographs of red cells in hereditary elliptocytosis (A). Lateral linkages between spectrin dimer-dimers and between spectrin, actin, and protein 4.1R in the junctional complex in the spectrin-based red cell membrane skeleton (B). ABD, actin-binding domain; EF, hand motif. (Modified from Mohandas N, Gallagher PG. Blood. 2008;112(10):3939-3948.)

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