Platelet life span is reduced in VWD2B mice with respect to WT-mVWF–expressing mice. Mice expressing WT-mVWF (A-B, closed circles), p.V1316M-mVWF (A, open circles), or p.R1306Q-mVWF (B, open squares) were infused with NHS-biotin, which allows platelet biotinylation. Residual biotinylated platelets were quantified by flow cytometry. Data are expressed as the percentage of biotinylated platelets relative to the total CD41-positive platelet population with t = 0 being arbitrarily set at 100%. Data represent mean ± standard deviation. N = 3 to 13 mice. See Figure 7 in the article by Casari et al that begins on page 2893.

Platelet life span is reduced in VWD2B mice with respect to WT-mVWF–expressing mice. Mice expressing WT-mVWF (A-B, closed circles), p.V1316M-mVWF (A, open circles), or p.R1306Q-mVWF (B, open squares) were infused with NHS-biotin, which allows platelet biotinylation. Residual biotinylated platelets were quantified by flow cytometry. Data are expressed as the percentage of biotinylated platelets relative to the total CD41-positive platelet population with t = 0 being arbitrarily set at 100%. Data represent mean ± standard deviation. N = 3 to 13 mice. See Figure 7 in the article by Casari et al that begins on page 2893.

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