Figure 6
Figure 6. Late deletion of Notch, 2 days after tumor cell inoculation, renders the same effect. (A) The schematic overview shows the transplantation model and experimental procedure. (B) Representative confocal pictures show EYFP+ cells in the LLC tumors (red: PECAM, green: EYFP) in the mice with the Notch-Cre−/− bone marrow (left panel) and the mice with the Notch-Cre+/+ bone marrow (right panel) (both treated with the vehicle control, cisplatin, or paclitaxel). In the table (below), mean (standard deviation) PECAM+/CD45− cells per treatment group are shown. (C) The graph shows the contribution of EYFP+ cells to the LLC tumors in BL/6 mice, transplanted, respectively, with the Notch-Cre−/− or the Notch-Cre+/+ bone marrow, shown by FACS analysis and confocal microscopy. (D) The graph shows a comparison of the tumor growth of LLC cells in C57BL/6 mice transplanted with the CIVE bone marrow vs the CIVE–Notch KO bone marrow, either untreated or treated with cisplatin. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. Panel B images were obtained with a 20× objective.

Late deletion of Notch, 2 days after tumor cell inoculation, renders the same effect. (A) The schematic overview shows the transplantation model and experimental procedure. (B) Representative confocal pictures show EYFP+ cells in the LLC tumors (red: PECAM, green: EYFP) in the mice with the Notch-Cre−/− bone marrow (left panel) and the mice with the Notch-Cre+/+ bone marrow (right panel) (both treated with the vehicle control, cisplatin, or paclitaxel). In the table (below), mean (standard deviation) PECAM+/CD45 cells per treatment group are shown. (C) The graph shows the contribution of EYFP+ cells to the LLC tumors in BL/6 mice, transplanted, respectively, with the Notch-Cre−/− or the Notch-Cre+/+ bone marrow, shown by FACS analysis and confocal microscopy. (D) The graph shows a comparison of the tumor growth of LLC cells in C57BL/6 mice transplanted with the CIVE bone marrow vs the CIVE–Notch KO bone marrow, either untreated or treated with cisplatin. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. Panel B images were obtained with a 20× objective.

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