Figure 3
Figure 3. Influx of 2 subpopulations of VE-cadherin BMDCs. (A) Representative confocal pictures show EYFP+ cells in the LLC tumors (blue: TO-PRO, red: PECAM, green: EYFP). (B) Shown are adult bone marrow cells expressing VE-cadherin from 2 distinct populations: an endotheliallike population expressing PECAM and VE-cadherin and a monocytic population expressing Gr1 and CD11b. (C) Cytospins of FACS sorted BMD-EYFP+ cells stained for Gr1, PECAM, and VE-cadherin are shown. (D-E) The graphs show the percentage of (D) EYFP+/PECAM+ or (E) EYFP+/PECAM+/CD45− cells in subcutaneous growing LLC cells in BL/6 mice transplanted with CIVE bone marrow 8 days after the start of treatment. (F-G) The graphs show the percentage of (F) EYFP+/Gr1+/CD11b+ cells or (G) Gr1+/CD11b+ cells in subcutaneous growing LLC cells in BL/6 mice transplanted with CIVE bone morrow 1 day after the start of treatment. *P < .05 compared with the vehicle control. *, single green EYFP cells; arrowheads, double-positive cells (EYFP+/PECAM+). All images were obtained at 20× except for the zoom images; scale bar sizes are indicated.

Influx of 2 subpopulations of VE-cadherin BMDCs. (A) Representative confocal pictures show EYFP+ cells in the LLC tumors (blue: TO-PRO, red: PECAM, green: EYFP). (B) Shown are adult bone marrow cells expressing VE-cadherin from 2 distinct populations: an endotheliallike population expressing PECAM and VE-cadherin and a monocytic population expressing Gr1 and CD11b. (C) Cytospins of FACS sorted BMD-EYFP+ cells stained for Gr1, PECAM, and VE-cadherin are shown. (D-E) The graphs show the percentage of (D) EYFP+/PECAM+ or (E) EYFP+/PECAM+/CD45 cells in subcutaneous growing LLC cells in BL/6 mice transplanted with CIVE bone marrow 8 days after the start of treatment. (F-G) The graphs show the percentage of (F) EYFP+/Gr1+/CD11b+ cells or (G) Gr1+/CD11b+ cells in subcutaneous growing LLC cells in BL/6 mice transplanted with CIVE bone morrow 1 day after the start of treatment. *P < .05 compared with the vehicle control. *, single green EYFP cells; arrowheads, double-positive cells (EYFP+/PECAM+). All images were obtained at 20× except for the zoom images; scale bar sizes are indicated.

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