Figure 4
Figure 4. Evolution of CRP levels under treatment. Patient no. 1: Blood CRP concentrations, correlating with initial response and secondary resistance to PEG-IFN treatment, and returning to normal values (< 5 mg/L) under vemurafenib. Patient no. 2: an initial CRP increase was associated with headaches and fever (39°C); CRP concentrations returned to normal values after 1 month of treatment. Patient no. 3: CRP concentrations returned to normal values after one month of treatment. Time 0 corresponds to initiation of vemurafenib treatment, and each graduation corresponds to 1 month.

Evolution of CRP levels under treatment. Patient no. 1: Blood CRP concentrations, correlating with initial response and secondary resistance to PEG-IFN treatment, and returning to normal values (< 5 mg/L) under vemurafenib. Patient no. 2: an initial CRP increase was associated with headaches and fever (39°C); CRP concentrations returned to normal values after 1 month of treatment. Patient no. 3: CRP concentrations returned to normal values after one month of treatment. Time 0 corresponds to initiation of vemurafenib treatment, and each graduation corresponds to 1 month.

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