Figure 1
Figure 1. Clonality analysis of expanded lymphocytes. (A) SBA of HTLV-1. (a) PB of pretransplantation, (b) day 18 of transplantation, and (c) day 71 of transplantation. Band sizes in lane 2 in each panel are shown at the bottom. M, size marker (λDNA/HindIII); lane 1, positive control; lane 2, DNA digested with Eco R1; lane 3, DNA digested with Pst1. (B) SBA of T-cell receptor Cβ1 genes. Lane 1, PB of pretransplantation; lane 2, day 18 of transplantation; lane 3, day 71. Arrows indicate germ-line bands; arrowheads indicate rearranged bands. M, molecular weight marker II; N, negative control (placenta DNA).

Clonality analysis of expanded lymphocytes. (A) SBA of HTLV-1. (a) PB of pretransplantation, (b) day 18 of transplantation, and (c) day 71 of transplantation. Band sizes in lane 2 in each panel are shown at the bottom. M, size marker (λDNA/HindIII); lane 1, positive control; lane 2, DNA digested with Eco R1; lane 3, DNA digested with Pst1. (B) SBA of T-cell receptor Cβ1 genes. Lane 1, PB of pretransplantation; lane 2, day 18 of transplantation; lane 3, day 71. Arrows indicate germ-line bands; arrowheads indicate rearranged bands. M, molecular weight marker II; N, negative control (placenta DNA).

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