Figure 2
Figure 2. MeDIP analysis of EC and non-EC enriched genes. Relative methylation levels as determined by methyl-DNA IP (MeDIP) in HUVECs and AoVSMCs. EC-enriched genes (A) eNOS, (B) VE-cadherin, (C) CD31, and (D) vWF display greater levels of methylation in AoVSMCs relative to HUVECs. (E) VEGFR2 is hypomethylated in both HUVECs and AoVSMCs. (F) iNOS is known to be methylated in both cell types, which is observed here. (G) E-Cadherin serves as a positive control for promoter methylation, as it is not expressed in either cell type. (H) Cyclophilin A is expressed in both cell types, and hypomethylation is evident in both HUVECs and AoVSMCs. IP’d DNA was normalized to total input DNA for each cell type and gene and is expressed in arbitrary units (au). Data represent mean ± standard error of the mean (n = 3). *Statistical significance at P < .05 of HUVECs compared with AoVSMCs.

MeDIP analysis of EC and non-EC enriched genes. Relative methylation levels as determined by methyl-DNA IP (MeDIP) in HUVECs and AoVSMCs. EC-enriched genes (A) eNOS, (B) VE-cadherin, (C) CD31, and (D) vWF display greater levels of methylation in AoVSMCs relative to HUVECs. (E) VEGFR2 is hypomethylated in both HUVECs and AoVSMCs. (F) iNOS is known to be methylated in both cell types, which is observed here. (G) E-Cadherin serves as a positive control for promoter methylation, as it is not expressed in either cell type. (H) Cyclophilin A is expressed in both cell types, and hypomethylation is evident in both HUVECs and AoVSMCs. IP’d DNA was normalized to total input DNA for each cell type and gene and is expressed in arbitrary units (au). Data represent mean ± standard error of the mean (n = 3). *Statistical significance at P < .05 of HUVECs compared with AoVSMCs.

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