Figure 7
Model for KSHV latency locus-mediated augmentation of B-cell response. The expression of KSHV latent genes in mouse B cells results in mature B-cell activation, expansion of MZ and plasma cells, and augmented B-cell response to antigen. The status of constant B-cell activation and subsequent hyper-responsiveness to antigen in vivo suggests that KSHV latency locus serves as a chronic antigenic stimulator to the viral lymphomagenesis. Ag, antigen; CB, centroblast; CC, centrocyte; FO, follicular B cell; PC, plasma cell; T, T cell.

Model for KSHV latency locus-mediated augmentation of B-cell response. The expression of KSHV latent genes in mouse B cells results in mature B-cell activation, expansion of MZ and plasma cells, and augmented B-cell response to antigen. The status of constant B-cell activation and subsequent hyper-responsiveness to antigen in vivo suggests that KSHV latency locus serves as a chronic antigenic stimulator to the viral lymphomagenesis. Ag, antigen; CB, centroblast; CC, centrocyte; FO, follicular B cell; PC, plasma cell; T, T cell.

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