Figure 6
Figure 6. WASpEMM induces dysregulation of actin polymerization in vivo, which results in an increased susceptibility to form multiple lamellipodia and subsequent migration defect. (A) Transduced WASBMDCs were matured with lipopolysaccharide and harvested on day 9 of culture. F-actin within cells was quantified by flow cytometry after fixation and staining with Alexa Fluor 633 phalloidin. The sympercentage difference in median f-actin signal between transduced and simultaneously stained untransduced WASBMDCs is shown, with error bars representing the SEM. Differences between wild-type transduced and other constructs were analyzed by ANOVA. Data represent 8 independent experiments. (B) WASpEMM is less tyrosine phosphorylated than WASpWT in vivo. U937 cells with standardized EGFP-WASp expression were harvested and lysates underwent anti-EGFP immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitant were resolved and immunoblotted for EGFP, phosphotyrosine (4G10; pTyr), and WASp pSER433/434 (pSer). Representative immunoblots shown. (C-D) EGFP, pTyr, and pSer bands from 8 experiments were quantified by densitometry. The percent tyrosine phosphorylation was calculated by comparison with fully tyrosine phosphorylated standards, and the means and 95% confidence interval are graphically represented. Differences between wild-type and other constructs were analyzed by ANOVA (C). WASp serine phosphorylation was compared with WASpWT and mean differences (from 4 experiments) are expressed as sympercentage differences from WASpWT (with 95% confidence intervals). The 95% confidence interval for WASpWT is shown by dotted vertical lines. Differences from WASpWT were analyzed by ANOVA (D). (E) Transduction of WASBMDCs with WASpEMM results in a greater proportion of cells forming > 2 lamellipodia compared with WASpWT-transduced cells. Cell shape of fixed transduced WASBMDCs plated onto fibronectin-coated coverslips in 3 independent experiments was analyzed. EGFP-positive, spread cells with lamellipodia were scored as having > or ≤ 2 lamellipodia. (F) Relative odds (and 95% confidence interval) of an individual spread cell forming > 2 lamellipodia compared with wild-type transduced cells is shown. Odds ratios and significance of differences WT and other constructs were calculated using logistical regression. (G-I) WASBMDCs transduced with WASpEMM show similar velocity but reduced displacement and persistence during migration compared with WASpWT-transduced cells. Migration of transduced DCs plated onto fibronectin-coated coverslips toward a CCL3 gradient was assayed in Dunn chambers. Cells were imaged in phase and green fluorescence for 6 hours using an Zeiss Axiovert 135 (10 × /0.25 NA lens), and cell tracks were analyzed using Volocity Version 5.3.2 software. EGFP-negative cells on the same coverslip as transduced cells were analyzed as WAS controls. Average velocity (G), total cell displacement (H), and persistence of migration (meandering index; I) collated from 5 independent experiments are presented with 95% confidence intervals. Differences between wild-type and other construct transduced cells were analyzed by ANOVA with correction for variation between experiments. ***P < .005, **P < .01, *P < .05, and ns indicates P > .05.

WASpEMM induces dysregulation of actin polymerization in vivo, which results in an increased susceptibility to form multiple lamellipodia and subsequent migration defect. (A) Transduced WASBMDCs were matured with lipopolysaccharide and harvested on day 9 of culture. F-actin within cells was quantified by flow cytometry after fixation and staining with Alexa Fluor 633 phalloidin. The sympercentage difference in median f-actin signal between transduced and simultaneously stained untransduced WASBMDCs is shown, with error bars representing the SEM. Differences between wild-type transduced and other constructs were analyzed by ANOVA. Data represent 8 independent experiments. (B) WASpEMM is less tyrosine phosphorylated than WASpWT in vivo. U937 cells with standardized EGFP-WASp expression were harvested and lysates underwent anti-EGFP immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitant were resolved and immunoblotted for EGFP, phosphotyrosine (4G10; pTyr), and WASp pSER433/434 (pSer). Representative immunoblots shown. (C-D) EGFP, pTyr, and pSer bands from 8 experiments were quantified by densitometry. The percent tyrosine phosphorylation was calculated by comparison with fully tyrosine phosphorylated standards, and the means and 95% confidence interval are graphically represented. Differences between wild-type and other constructs were analyzed by ANOVA (C). WASp serine phosphorylation was compared with WASpWT and mean differences (from 4 experiments) are expressed as sympercentage differences from WASpWT (with 95% confidence intervals). The 95% confidence interval for WASpWT is shown by dotted vertical lines. Differences from WASpWT were analyzed by ANOVA (D). (E) Transduction of WASBMDCs with WASpEMM results in a greater proportion of cells forming > 2 lamellipodia compared with WASpWT-transduced cells. Cell shape of fixed transduced WASBMDCs plated onto fibronectin-coated coverslips in 3 independent experiments was analyzed. EGFP-positive, spread cells with lamellipodia were scored as having > or ≤ 2 lamellipodia. (F) Relative odds (and 95% confidence interval) of an individual spread cell forming > 2 lamellipodia compared with wild-type transduced cells is shown. Odds ratios and significance of differences WT and other constructs were calculated using logistical regression. (G-I) WASBMDCs transduced with WASpEMM show similar velocity but reduced displacement and persistence during migration compared with WASpWT-transduced cells. Migration of transduced DCs plated onto fibronectin-coated coverslips toward a CCL3 gradient was assayed in Dunn chambers. Cells were imaged in phase and green fluorescence for 6 hours using an Zeiss Axiovert 135 (10 × /0.25 NA lens), and cell tracks were analyzed using Volocity Version 5.3.2 software. EGFP-negative cells on the same coverslip as transduced cells were analyzed as WAS controls. Average velocity (G), total cell displacement (H), and persistence of migration (meandering index; I) collated from 5 independent experiments are presented with 95% confidence intervals. Differences between wild-type and other construct transduced cells were analyzed by ANOVA with correction for variation between experiments. ***P < .005, **P < .01, *P < .05, and ns indicates P > .05.

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