Figure 2
Figure 2. Clonal divergence of validated variant alleles. Graph illustrating the presence of shared and unique SNV at each tumor time point. There are 15 variants common to all time points and shared by a common ancestor. Six variants are common to only the diagnostic and second relapse, while no variants are common to the first relapse and sPCL. The greatest divergence is observed between the first relapse and sPCL, with 7 unique variants detected in each sample.

Clonal divergence of validated variant alleles. Graph illustrating the presence of shared and unique SNV at each tumor time point. There are 15 variants common to all time points and shared by a common ancestor. Six variants are common to only the diagnostic and second relapse, while no variants are common to the first relapse and sPCL. The greatest divergence is observed between the first relapse and sPCL, with 7 unique variants detected in each sample.

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