Proposed pathway for the formation of gaps and amplification of the vasculature permeability by platelets during arthritis. (Top panel) Gaps between endothelial cells in arthritic joints are formed. The GPVI-expressing platelets are activated by the leakage during disease. Note that the precise anatomic location of platelet activation, and the route by which microparticles enter the joint remains speculative. Δ indicates serotonin and ○, platelet microparticle. Professional illustration by Steve Moskowitz, Advanced Medical Graphics. See Figure 7 in the article by Cloutier et al that begins on page 1334.

Proposed pathway for the formation of gaps and amplification of the vasculature permeability by platelets during arthritis. (Top panel) Gaps between endothelial cells in arthritic joints are formed. The GPVI-expressing platelets are activated by the leakage during disease. Note that the precise anatomic location of platelet activation, and the route by which microparticles enter the joint remains speculative. Δ indicates serotonin and ○, platelet microparticle. Professional illustration by Steve Moskowitz, Advanced Medical Graphics. See Figure 7 in the article by Cloutier et al that begins on page 1334.

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