Figure 6
Figure 6. Self-renewal activity. (A) Determination of the origin of WAT-KLS and BM-KLS cells in primary recipients transplanted with WAT-KLS cells. Representative dot plots show that WAT-KLS cells were able to reconstitute the KLS cell population present in WAT but not in the BM. (B) Total chimerism quantified in WAT and BM in secondary recipients after coinjection of 103 KLS cells sorted from the WAT of primary recipients and 2.105 total BM cells. CD45.1+ cells (donor origin) present in WAT were analyzed by flow cytometry to identify mature immune cells (C) such as T lymphocytes (CD4+ or CD8+), B lymphocytes (CD19+/B220+), NK cells (NK1.1+/CD3ϵ−), macrophages (CD11b+/F4/80+), mast cells (FcϵRI+/CD117+), or KLS cells (D). Dot plots are representative of 8 independent experiments and quantifications are expressed as a percentage of CD45.1+ cells.

Self-renewal activity. (A) Determination of the origin of WAT-KLS and BM-KLS cells in primary recipients transplanted with WAT-KLS cells. Representative dot plots show that WAT-KLS cells were able to reconstitute the KLS cell population present in WAT but not in the BM. (B) Total chimerism quantified in WAT and BM in secondary recipients after coinjection of 103 KLS cells sorted from the WAT of primary recipients and 2.105 total BM cells. CD45.1+ cells (donor origin) present in WAT were analyzed by flow cytometry to identify mature immune cells (C) such as T lymphocytes (CD4+ or CD8+), B lymphocytes (CD19+/B220+), NK cells (NK1.1+/CD3ϵ), macrophages (CD11b+/F4/80+), mast cells (FcϵRI+/CD117+), or KLS cells (D). Dot plots are representative of 8 independent experiments and quantifications are expressed as a percentage of CD45.1+ cells.

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