Figure 6
Figure 6. Maximal aggregation response in participants with platelet function defects and healthy volunteers. The percentage of maximal aggregation was measured in a Born lumi-aggregometer in PRP in response to the shown concentrations of the following agonists: ADP, adrenaline, arachidonic acid, collagen, PAR-1–specific peptide, and ristocetin. The results are shown as the percentage increase in light transmission relative to platelet-poor plasma.

Maximal aggregation response in participants with platelet function defects and healthy volunteers. The percentage of maximal aggregation was measured in a Born lumi-aggregometer in PRP in response to the shown concentrations of the following agonists: ADP, adrenaline, arachidonic acid, collagen, PAR-1–specific peptide, and ristocetin. The results are shown as the percentage increase in light transmission relative to platelet-poor plasma.

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