Figure 4
Figure 4. Smad2 is overactivated in BM cells and HSPCs of MM patients. BM biopsy sections from patients with MM and healthy controls were fixed and immunostained with an Ab against phospho-smad2, the activated form of the downstream mediator of TGFβ receptor I kinase (TBRI) activation. (A) Four representative samples of healthy donors and MM patients, respectively. P-smad2 staining was quantified by counting the total number of positively stained cells in 3 hot fields for each patient sample under ×200 magnification aided by Motic Image Plus software. (B) The bar chart shows the mean percentage of phospho-smad2–positive BM cells in healthy donors and MM patients. HSPCs from the BM of healthy donors and MM patients were assessed for smad2 phosphorylation by immunoblotting. (C) One representative of 4 experiments is shown. TGFβ1 concentrations were assessed by ELISA. (D) The bar charts display the mean TGFβ1 concentration in the BMEF. The Student t test was used to detect statistically significant differences. *P < .05.

Smad2 is overactivated in BM cells and HSPCs of MM patients. BM biopsy sections from patients with MM and healthy controls were fixed and immunostained with an Ab against phospho-smad2, the activated form of the downstream mediator of TGFβ receptor I kinase (TBRI) activation. (A) Four representative samples of healthy donors and MM patients, respectively. P-smad2 staining was quantified by counting the total number of positively stained cells in 3 hot fields for each patient sample under ×200 magnification aided by Motic Image Plus software. (B) The bar chart shows the mean percentage of phospho-smad2–positive BM cells in healthy donors and MM patients. HSPCs from the BM of healthy donors and MM patients were assessed for smad2 phosphorylation by immunoblotting. (C) One representative of 4 experiments is shown. TGFβ1 concentrations were assessed by ELISA. (D) The bar charts display the mean TGFβ1 concentration in the BMEF. The Student t test was used to detect statistically significant differences. *P < .05.

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