Figure 2.
DR3-activated Foxp3+Tregs show a distinct gene expression profile. (A) The gating strategy for Treg isolation from FoxP3.Luci.DTR-4 mice. (B) Gene expression profiles of Iso-Treg and DR3-Treg. The expression changes in chemokine/cytokine, transcription factor, cell cycle/turn over and effector/activation molecules are shown as a heat map, where red and green represent the highest- and lowest-expressed genes, respectively.

DR3-activated Foxp3+Tregs show a distinct gene expression profile. (A) The gating strategy for Treg isolation from FoxP3.Luci.DTR-4 mice. (B) Gene expression profiles of Iso-Treg and DR3-Treg. The expression changes in chemokine/cytokine, transcription factor, cell cycle/turn over and effector/activation molecules are shown as a heat map, where red and green represent the highest- and lowest-expressed genes, respectively.

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