Figure 1
Figure 1. Identification of cells with BRAF mutation. Immunohistochemistry with BRAFV600E specific antibody VE1 disclosed cytoplasmic staining of histiocytes, whereas lymphocytes and fibroblasts were negative (top, original magnification ×100). Some histiocytes were not stained and correspond to reactive macrophages (bottom, original magnification ×200). Microphotographs were performed with a microscope BX41, eyepiece (WH 10×/22), objectives Olympus UPlanFI 10× and Olympus UPlanFI 20× (Olympus), Camera Axopcam ICc1, and AxioVision Rel Version 4.8 software (Carl Zeiss).

Identification of cells with BRAF mutation. Immunohistochemistry with BRAFV600E specific antibody VE1 disclosed cytoplasmic staining of histiocytes, whereas lymphocytes and fibroblasts were negative (top, original magnification ×100). Some histiocytes were not stained and correspond to reactive macrophages (bottom, original magnification ×200). Microphotographs were performed with a microscope BX41, eyepiece (WH 10×/22), objectives Olympus UPlanFI 10× and Olympus UPlanFI 20× (Olympus), Camera Axopcam ICc1, and AxioVision Rel Version 4.8 software (Carl Zeiss).

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