Figure 6.
Figure 6. Spectrum of microvascular abnormalities observed in a focal model of type I IFN toxicity. A spectrum of microvascular disease is observed in mice with transgenic production type I IFN in the brain, across all anatomical regions. (A-C) Dose-dependent microvascular pathology in the hippocampus of transgenic mice with zero, low, and high levels of IFN overexpression (hematoxylin/eosin, abnormal small blood vessel highlighted by black arrow). (D) Dose-dependent microvascular pathology was observed across all major brain regions. ***P < .01, 1-way ANOVA for each region; n = 8 each group. (E-G) Perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration: hematoxylin/eosin (H+E), CD3, and CD31 immunohistochemistry shows small blood vessels with T-cell infiltration (CD3) and narrowing of lumen (CD31 endothelial marker). (H) Ectatic small vessel. (I) Perivascular infiltration by T cells (CD3, brown). (J) Intravascular calcification; bars represent 20 μm (E-G) and 40 μm (H, I). Scanning electron microscopy of microvascular cast shows multiple small capillary microaneurysms (K, blue arrow), large microaneurysm (L), and ectatic microvessel (M, blue arrow).

Spectrum of microvascular abnormalities observed in a focal model of type I IFN toxicity. A spectrum of microvascular disease is observed in mice with transgenic production type I IFN in the brain, across all anatomical regions. (A-C) Dose-dependent microvascular pathology in the hippocampus of transgenic mice with zero, low, and high levels of IFN overexpression (hematoxylin/eosin, abnormal small blood vessel highlighted by black arrow). (D) Dose-dependent microvascular pathology was observed across all major brain regions. ***P < .01, 1-way ANOVA for each region; n = 8 each group. (E-G) Perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration: hematoxylin/eosin (H+E), CD3, and CD31 immunohistochemistry shows small blood vessels with T-cell infiltration (CD3) and narrowing of lumen (CD31 endothelial marker). (H) Ectatic small vessel. (I) Perivascular infiltration by T cells (CD3, brown). (J) Intravascular calcification; bars represent 20 μm (E-G) and 40 μm (H, I). Scanning electron microscopy of microvascular cast shows multiple small capillary microaneurysms (K, blue arrow), large microaneurysm (L), and ectatic microvessel (M, blue arrow).

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