Figure 1
OS from relapse in 776 patients (solid curve) with recurrent AML after RIC HSCT in CR. OS was 13.9% ± 2%, 12.2% ± 1%, and 9.8% ± 1% at 2, 3, and 5 years, respectively. Identical outcome was observed for the cohort of 263 patients with complete data available (dotted curve; P = .43).

OS from relapse in 776 patients (solid curve) with recurrent AML after RIC HSCT in CR. OS was 13.9% ± 2%, 12.2% ± 1%, and 9.8% ± 1% at 2, 3, and 5 years, respectively. Identical outcome was observed for the cohort of 263 patients with complete data available (dotted curve; P = .43).

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