Figure 6
Figure 6. ChIP-loop analysis of the ANK1E promoter region. K562 or SH-SY5Y chromatin was cross-linked, digested with DpnII, immunoprecipitated, and ligated. (A) PCR analysis of ligated K562 chromatin. Each panel represents an analysis of chromatin precipitated with the indicated antibody and amplified with the 4 sets of primers. The top molecular weight marker is 500 bp and the lower band is 300 bp (Ladder). (B) PCR analysis of ligated SH-SY5Y chromatin. Each panel represents an analysis of chromatin precipitated with the indicated antibody and amplified with the 4 sets of primers. The top molecular weight marker is 500 bp followed by 400 bp, 300 bp, 200 bp, and 100 bp (Ladder). (C) Schematic representation of the ANK1E promoter region showing the 5′ and 3′ HS, the location of the DpnII sites, and the location of the PCR primers used to detect interactions (see supplemental Table 1 for coordinates). (D) Model for the chromatin loop in K562 cells that is revealed by precipitation with anti–NF-E2 and -CTCF.

ChIP-loop analysis of the ANK1E promoter region. K562 or SH-SY5Y chromatin was cross-linked, digested with DpnII, immunoprecipitated, and ligated. (A) PCR analysis of ligated K562 chromatin. Each panel represents an analysis of chromatin precipitated with the indicated antibody and amplified with the 4 sets of primers. The top molecular weight marker is 500 bp and the lower band is 300 bp (Ladder). (B) PCR analysis of ligated SH-SY5Y chromatin. Each panel represents an analysis of chromatin precipitated with the indicated antibody and amplified with the 4 sets of primers. The top molecular weight marker is 500 bp followed by 400 bp, 300 bp, 200 bp, and 100 bp (Ladder). (C) Schematic representation of the ANK1E promoter region showing the 5′ and 3′ HS, the location of the DpnII sites, and the location of the PCR primers used to detect interactions (see supplemental Table 1 for coordinates). (D) Model for the chromatin loop in K562 cells that is revealed by precipitation with anti–NF-E2 and -CTCF.

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