Figure 4
Pharmacodynamic effects of repeat-dose oral THU-DAC in nonhuman primates. A baboon with relatively low and a baboon with relatively high oral THU-DAC bioavailability in the pharmacokinetic (PK) studies (baboon numbers PA7472 and PA7470, respectively) received DAC 5 mg/m2, and another pair from each end of the PK range (baboon numbers PA7482 and PA7484, respectively) received DAC 10 mg/m2. DAC was administered 60 minutes after THU 400 mg/m2 2×/wk for 8 weeks. (A) Platelet counts during drug administration. (B) Absolute neutrophil counts during drug administration. (C) Phospho-H2AX (γH2AX) labeling of BM cells 96 hours after THU-DAC administration in week 8 in baboon number PA7472. Positive control HeLa cells treated with camptothecin 10μM. Negative control vehicle treated HeLa cells. (D) HbF expression during treatment. (E) Decrease in methylation of developmentally responsive CpG in the γ-globin gene (HBG) promoter after drug administration in baboon numbers PA7472 and PA7484. Based on the human β-globin gene locus (, the coordinates of these CpGs were 33105, 33221, 34425, and 34483. Mass spectrometry was used to measure methylation levels in DNA extracted from erythroid precursors isolated from fetal BM (FBM), adult BM (ABM), before THU-DAC (pre-THU-DAC), and after 8 weeks of 2×/wk oral THU-DAC (post-THU-DAC) in baboon numbers PA7472 and PA7478, and from WBCs. Box-plot boundaries: interquartile range; horizontal line, median; +, mean; small boxes, outlying values; whiskers, range of values. P values are by Wilcoxon test.

Pharmacodynamic effects of repeat-dose oral THU-DAC in nonhuman primates. A baboon with relatively low and a baboon with relatively high oral THU-DAC bioavailability in the pharmacokinetic (PK) studies (baboon numbers PA7472 and PA7470, respectively) received DAC 5 mg/m2, and another pair from each end of the PK range (baboon numbers PA7482 and PA7484, respectively) received DAC 10 mg/m2. DAC was administered 60 minutes after THU 400 mg/m2 2×/wk for 8 weeks. (A) Platelet counts during drug administration. (B) Absolute neutrophil counts during drug administration. (C) Phospho-H2AX (γH2AX) labeling of BM cells 96 hours after THU-DAC administration in week 8 in baboon number PA7472. Positive control HeLa cells treated with camptothecin 10μM. Negative control vehicle treated HeLa cells. (D) HbF expression during treatment. (E) Decrease in methylation of developmentally responsive CpG in the γ-globin gene (HBG) promoter after drug administration in baboon numbers PA7472 and PA7484. Based on the human β-globin gene locus (, the coordinates of these CpGs were 33105, 33221, 34425, and 34483. Mass spectrometry was used to measure methylation levels in DNA extracted from erythroid precursors isolated from fetal BM (FBM), adult BM (ABM), before THU-DAC (pre-THU-DAC), and after 8 weeks of 2×/wk oral THU-DAC (post-THU-DAC) in baboon numbers PA7472 and PA7478, and from WBCs. Box-plot boundaries: interquartile range; horizontal line, median; +, mean; small boxes, outlying values; whiskers, range of values. P values are by Wilcoxon test.

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