Figure 5
Control of established GVHD by DZNep. (A) Diagram shows the experimental design. Lethally irradiated BALB/C recipients (8 Gy [800 rad]) were transplanted with B6 mice–derived TCD BM (5 × 106; n = 8) or with TCD BM + CD4+ TN cells (1 × 106). CD4+ T-cell recipients were treated with 12 doses of DZNep (n = 20) or vehicle (■; n = 10) from day 7 to day 29 after transplantation. (B) Tissues were collected on day 7 and day 60 after transplantation for histologic examination. Graphs (mean ± SD) show the histologic score of GVHD. (C) The survival and clinical signs were monitored over time.

Control of established GVHD by DZNep. (A) Diagram shows the experimental design. Lethally irradiated BALB/C recipients (8 Gy [800 rad]) were transplanted with B6 mice–derived TCD BM (5 × 106; n = 8) or with TCD BM + CD4+ TN cells (1 × 106). CD4+ T-cell recipients were treated with 12 doses of DZNep (n = 20) or vehicle (■; n = 10) from day 7 to day 29 after transplantation. (B) Tissues were collected on day 7 and day 60 after transplantation for histologic examination. Graphs (mean ± SD) show the histologic score of GVHD. (C) The survival and clinical signs were monitored over time.

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