Figure 7
Figure 7. CDPs give rise to CCR9− pDC-like precursors. (A) CD45.2+ CDPs were cultured for 4 days with total CD45.1+ BM cells in medium supplemented with Flt3L and analyzed for the expression of Siglec-H, CD11c, BST2, CCR9, and MHCII by flow cytometry (representative results of 4 replicates are shown). (B) CD45.2+ CDPs were transferred intravenously into CD45.1+ mice and the expression of Siglec-H, CD11c, BST2, and CCR9 on PI− CD45.2+ progeny was analyzed after 5 days in BM and spleen by flow cytometry (results of one representative of 3 transfers are shown). (C) CD45.2+ CDPs were transferred IV into CD45.1+ mice and the expression of BST2 and CCR9 on PI−CD45.2+Siglec-H+ progeny was analyzed 7 days later in BM and spleen by flow cytometry (results of one representative of 6 transfers are shown).

CDPs give rise to CCR9 pDC-like precursors. (A) CD45.2+ CDPs were cultured for 4 days with total CD45.1+ BM cells in medium supplemented with Flt3L and analyzed for the expression of Siglec-H, CD11c, BST2, CCR9, and MHCII by flow cytometry (representative results of 4 replicates are shown). (B) CD45.2+ CDPs were transferred intravenously into CD45.1+ mice and the expression of Siglec-H, CD11c, BST2, and CCR9 on PI CD45.2+ progeny was analyzed after 5 days in BM and spleen by flow cytometry (results of one representative of 3 transfers are shown). (C) CD45.2+ CDPs were transferred IV into CD45.1+ mice and the expression of BST2 and CCR9 on PICD45.2+Siglec-H+ progeny was analyzed 7 days later in BM and spleen by flow cytometry (results of one representative of 6 transfers are shown).

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