Figure 3
Figure 3. CCR9− pDC-like precursors are found in lymphoid as well as nonlymphoid organs. (A) The percentage of Siglec-H+ BST2+PI− pDCs in the CD11c+ fraction, (B) the percentage of CCR9− pDC-like precursors in Siglec-H+ BST2+ CD11cint PI− pDC fraction, and (C) the frequency of CCR9− pDC-like precursors in total PI− lymphocytes in BM, spleen, lymph nodes, Peyer patches, lung, liver, and blood in steady-state mice was determined by flow cytometry (mean ± SD, n = 4). The recovery of Violet trace+CD11c+ cells after intravenous transfer of CCR9− pDC-like precursors or CCR9+ pDCs was assessed 48 hours after transfer in (D) BM, spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyer patches, in (E) liver, as well as in (F) lung, small intestine, colon, and blood. (D-F) Gray lines indicate mean values (n = 4; Peyer patches, *P = .02; lung, *P = .003; colon, *P = .03; Student t test).

CCR9 pDC-like precursors are found in lymphoid as well as nonlymphoid organs. (A) The percentage of Siglec-H+ BST2+PI pDCs in the CD11c+ fraction, (B) the percentage of CCR9 pDC-like precursors in Siglec-H+ BST2+ CD11cint PI pDC fraction, and (C) the frequency of CCR9 pDC-like precursors in total PI lymphocytes in BM, spleen, lymph nodes, Peyer patches, lung, liver, and blood in steady-state mice was determined by flow cytometry (mean ± SD, n = 4). The recovery of Violet trace+CD11c+ cells after intravenous transfer of CCR9 pDC-like precursors or CCR9+ pDCs was assessed 48 hours after transfer in (D) BM, spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyer patches, in (E) liver, as well as in (F) lung, small intestine, colon, and blood. (D-F) Gray lines indicate mean values (n = 4; Peyer patches, *P = .02; lung, *P = .003; colon, *P = .03; Student t test).

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