Figure 2
Figure 2. Proliferation and morphology of CCR9− pDC-like precursors in BM and spleen. (A) Expression of CD11c and the genetically encoded green-fluorescent cell-cycle indicator (mAG-hGeminin) was analyzed in primary Siglec-H+BST2+PI− cells from BM and spleen by flow cytometry. Fucci-transgenic mice expressing mAG-hGeminin were used and compared with WT control mice. (B) Morphology of CCR9− pDC-like precursors and CCR9+ pDCs isolated from BM was assessed on cytospin samples with a 100× magnification oil-immersion objective.

Proliferation and morphology of CCR9 pDC-like precursors in BM and spleen. (A) Expression of CD11c and the genetically encoded green-fluorescent cell-cycle indicator (mAG-hGeminin) was analyzed in primary Siglec-H+BST2+PI cells from BM and spleen by flow cytometry. Fucci-transgenic mice expressing mAG-hGeminin were used and compared with WT control mice. (B) Morphology of CCR9 pDC-like precursors and CCR9+ pDCs isolated from BM was assessed on cytospin samples with a 100× magnification oil-immersion objective.

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