Figure 3
Figure 3. Intrinsic Hh signaling is dispensable for B-cell development. (A) Diagram of targeted Smoflox allele. Exons 1 (Ex1) and 2 (Ex2) of Smo and the phosphoglycerokinase-Neo cassette (PGK Neo) are indicated. Arrowheads indicate loxP sites; dotted arrows, primers for amplification of unexcised, floxed allele; solid arrows, primers for detection of recombined allele. (B) Detection of Smo floxed (flox) and recombined (rec) alleles in CD19+ splenic B cells from wild-type or SmoC mice. Amplification was performed on 10-fold serial dilutions of genomic DNA template. (C-D) Quantitative RT-PCR of Smo and Ptch transcripts in CD19+ BM (C) or naive splenic B cells (D) from WT or SmoC mice. (E) Cellularity of BM (left) and spleen (right) in wild-type or SmoC mice. (F) Examination of B-lymphoid developmental subsets. BM (top and middle panels) and spleen (spln; bottom panels) from 6- to 8-week-old wild-type or SmoC mice were analyzed by flow cytometry. Early pro-B (B220+CD19−CD43+IgM−), pro-B (B220+CD19+CD43+IgM−), pre-B (B220+CD19+CD43−IgM+), and immature/mature B cell (B220highCD19+CD43−IgM+) subsets are indicated on representative BM plots. B220+IgMhiIgD−/lo and B220+IgMloIgDhi populations, enriched for immature/transitional B cells and mature follicular B cells, respectively, are identified on splenic plots. (G) Percentage representation of B-lymphoid subsets in wild-type or SmoC mice as defined in panel F (n = 3, mean and SD).

Intrinsic Hh signaling is dispensable for B-cell development. (A) Diagram of targeted Smoflox allele. Exons 1 (Ex1) and 2 (Ex2) of Smo and the phosphoglycerokinase-Neo cassette (PGK Neo) are indicated. Arrowheads indicate loxP sites; dotted arrows, primers for amplification of unexcised, floxed allele; solid arrows, primers for detection of recombined allele. (B) Detection of Smo floxed (flox) and recombined (rec) alleles in CD19+ splenic B cells from wild-type or SmoC mice. Amplification was performed on 10-fold serial dilutions of genomic DNA template. (C-D) Quantitative RT-PCR of Smo and Ptch transcripts in CD19+ BM (C) or naive splenic B cells (D) from WT or SmoC mice. (E) Cellularity of BM (left) and spleen (right) in wild-type or SmoC mice. (F) Examination of B-lymphoid developmental subsets. BM (top and middle panels) and spleen (spln; bottom panels) from 6- to 8-week-old wild-type or SmoC mice were analyzed by flow cytometry. Early pro-B (B220+CD19CD43+IgM), pro-B (B220+CD19+CD43+IgM), pre-B (B220+CD19+CD43IgM+), and immature/mature B cell (B220highCD19+CD43IgM+) subsets are indicated on representative BM plots. B220+IgMhiIgD−/lo and B220+IgMloIgDhi populations, enriched for immature/transitional B cells and mature follicular B cells, respectively, are identified on splenic plots. (G) Percentage representation of B-lymphoid subsets in wild-type or SmoC mice as defined in panel F (n = 3, mean and SD).

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