Figure 2
Figure 2. Effects of CD45 knockdown and overexpression. (A) Knockdown of CD45 increases sensitivity of the human T-ALL cell line KE-37 to IL-7 stimulation. KE-37 cells were electroporated with a CD45 targeting or control siRNA. At 72 hours after electroporation, a fraction of the cells were stimulated with 10 ng/mL IL-7 for 10 minutes. Phosphorylation of STAT5 was assayed by Western blot (left) and quantified (right). (B) Knockdown of CD45 increases JAK/STAT signaling in MOHITO cells transformed by JAK1 or IL-7R gain-of-function mutants. MOHITO cells transformed by activating JAK1 or IL-7R mutants were transduced with a CD45 targeting or control shRNA. Phosphorylation of JAK1 and STAT5 was assayed by Western blot (left) and quantified (right). (C) Knockdown of CD45 increases proliferation of MOHITO cells transformed by a JAK1 gain-of-function mutant. Proliferation of MOHITO cells expressing both the activating JAK1 A634D mutant and either a CD45 targeting or a control shRNA was followed over a period of 72 hours and normalized to the control shRNA. The average ± SEM of 3 repeats is shown. *Statistical significance. (D) Overexpression of CD45 reduces sensitivity of HEK293T cells to IFN-α treatment. HEK293T cells transfected with empty vector or human CD45 (isoform R0) were stimulated with 500 U/mL IFN-α and harvested at different time points. STAT3 phosphorylation was assayed on Western blot and quantified relative to total STAT3.

Effects of CD45 knockdown and overexpression. (A) Knockdown of CD45 increases sensitivity of the human T-ALL cell line KE-37 to IL-7 stimulation. KE-37 cells were electroporated with a CD45 targeting or control siRNA. At 72 hours after electroporation, a fraction of the cells were stimulated with 10 ng/mL IL-7 for 10 minutes. Phosphorylation of STAT5 was assayed by Western blot (left) and quantified (right). (B) Knockdown of CD45 increases JAK/STAT signaling in MOHITO cells transformed by JAK1 or IL-7R gain-of-function mutants. MOHITO cells transformed by activating JAK1 or IL-7R mutants were transduced with a CD45 targeting or control shRNA. Phosphorylation of JAK1 and STAT5 was assayed by Western blot (left) and quantified (right). (C) Knockdown of CD45 increases proliferation of MOHITO cells transformed by a JAK1 gain-of-function mutant. Proliferation of MOHITO cells expressing both the activating JAK1 A634D mutant and either a CD45 targeting or a control shRNA was followed over a period of 72 hours and normalized to the control shRNA. The average ± SEM of 3 repeats is shown. *Statistical significance. (D) Overexpression of CD45 reduces sensitivity of HEK293T cells to IFN-α treatment. HEK293T cells transfected with empty vector or human CD45 (isoform R0) were stimulated with 500 U/mL IFN-α and harvested at different time points. STAT3 phosphorylation was assayed on Western blot and quantified relative to total STAT3.

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