Figure 1
Figure 1. Cebpa-Cre–driven deletion of Dicer1 does not affect the fraction of myeloid-committed HSPCs in mice. (A) Percentage of LSK cells (Lin−Sca1+C-Kit+), progenitors (Lin−Sca1−C-Kit+), and EYFP+ progenitor cells of Dicer1wt (n = 3), Dicer1wt/fl (n = 4), and Dicer1fl/fl cells (n = 4) in E13.5 fetal livers. (B) EYFP+ cells from the BM of transplanted mice were sorted by flow cytometry. DNA was isolated and analyzed by PCR. DNA fragments from Cebpa-Cre;Dicer1wt/fl;R26-LSL-Eyfp and Cebpa-Cre;Dicer1fl/fl;R26-LSL-Eyfp are indicated by fl/wt and fl/fl, respectively. Tail DNA of Dicer1wt/fl was used as a positive PCR control (c) for the floxed and wild-type alleles. Recombined lox-p sites are indicated by Δ. (C) Top panel: Percentage of LSK cells (Lin−Sca1+C-Kit+), and CMPs, GMPs, and MEPs in the progenitor fraction (Lin−Sca1−C-Kit+) of Dicer1wt BM cells (n = 5), Dicer1wt/fl (n = 6), and Dicer1fl/fl cells (n = 7). Bottom panel: Percentage of EYFP+ cells in the indicated fractions.

Cebpa-Cre–driven deletion of Dicer1 does not affect the fraction of myeloid-committed HSPCs in mice. (A) Percentage of LSK cells (LinSca1+C-Kit+), progenitors (LinSca1C-Kit+), and EYFP+ progenitor cells of Dicer1wt (n = 3), Dicer1wt/fl (n = 4), and Dicer1fl/fl cells (n = 4) in E13.5 fetal livers. (B) EYFP+ cells from the BM of transplanted mice were sorted by flow cytometry. DNA was isolated and analyzed by PCR. DNA fragments from Cebpa-Cre;Dicer1wt/fl;R26-LSL-Eyfp and Cebpa-Cre;Dicer1fl/fl;R26-LSL-Eyfp are indicated by fl/wt and fl/fl, respectively. Tail DNA of Dicer1wt/fl was used as a positive PCR control (c) for the floxed and wild-type alleles. Recombined lox-p sites are indicated by Δ. (C) Top panel: Percentage of LSK cells (LinSca1+C-Kit+), and CMPs, GMPs, and MEPs in the progenitor fraction (LinSca1C-Kit+) of Dicer1wt BM cells (n = 5), Dicer1wt/fl (n = 6), and Dicer1fl/fl cells (n = 7). Bottom panel: Percentage of EYFP+ cells in the indicated fractions.

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