Figure 5
Figure 5. Lon knockdown in Granta cells leads to cell death. Granta cells (2 × 105) were transduced with lentivirus particles (MOI 5) for the expression of control or Lon shRNAs. (A) Four days after transduction, cell extracts from untreated, polybrene-treated Granta cells, control shRNA, and Lon shRNA transduced Granta cells were immunoblotted with antibodies recognizing Lon or actin. (B-C) During a 4-day time course, cell viability was scored using trypan blue dye exclusion. The values are represented as the percentage of Lon shRNA viable cells relative to control, which was 100% (B). The total number of viable cells at the individual time-points was plotted over the 4-day time course (C). Results are representative of at least 3 independent experiments.

Lon knockdown in Granta cells leads to cell death. Granta cells (2 × 105) were transduced with lentivirus particles (MOI 5) for the expression of control or Lon shRNAs. (A) Four days after transduction, cell extracts from untreated, polybrene-treated Granta cells, control shRNA, and Lon shRNA transduced Granta cells were immunoblotted with antibodies recognizing Lon or actin. (B-C) During a 4-day time course, cell viability was scored using trypan blue dye exclusion. The values are represented as the percentage of Lon shRNA viable cells relative to control, which was 100% (B). The total number of viable cells at the individual time-points was plotted over the 4-day time course (C). Results are representative of at least 3 independent experiments.

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