Figure 7
Model of human memory B-cell generation from GC-dependent and -independent pathways. Six purified memory B-cell subsets showed differential levels of proliferation and BCR maturation. Ig class-switching profiles and immunophenotyping of blood of CD40L-deficient patients supported delineation of these 6 subsets from T cell-dependent and -independent maturation pathways. CD27−IgA+ and natural effector B cells can be derived independently from T-cell help, probably locally in the gastrointestinal tract and from systemic responses in splenic marginal zone, respectively. The molecular profiles of CD27−IgG+ and CD27+IgM+ memory B cells resembled those of primary GC cells, whereas CD27+IgG+ and CD27+IgA+ memory B cells has increased proliferation and SHM levels suggestive of further maturation in consecutive GC response.

Model of human memory B-cell generation from GC-dependent and -independent pathways. Six purified memory B-cell subsets showed differential levels of proliferation and BCR maturation. Ig class-switching profiles and immunophenotyping of blood of CD40L-deficient patients supported delineation of these 6 subsets from T cell-dependent and -independent maturation pathways. CD27IgA+ and natural effector B cells can be derived independently from T-cell help, probably locally in the gastrointestinal tract and from systemic responses in splenic marginal zone, respectively. The molecular profiles of CD27IgG+ and CD27+IgM+ memory B cells resembled those of primary GC cells, whereas CD27+IgG+ and CD27+IgA+ memory B cells has increased proliferation and SHM levels suggestive of further maturation in consecutive GC response.

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