Figure 6
Figure 6. Gene-expression analysis. (A) Heat map of all array probes misregulated at least 2-fold in either LSK or Kit+ Msi2Gt/Gt cells (n = 1399 probes), depicted as the ratio between knockout and WT cells. (B) Number of gene probes that were up-regulated (red bars) or down-regulated (green bars) in Msi2Gt/Gt cells compared with WT cells. (C) Selected Gene Ontology enrichments of probes misregulated in Msi2Gt/Gt LSK cells, showing corrected P values for significance. (D) Examples of GSEA plots obtained from expression change–ranked microarray data. The plots from 2 gene sets enriched in down-regulated genes (Proliferation and Myc pathway) and 2 gene sets enriched in up-regulated genes (Delayed mitosis and Migration) are shown. Within these plots, the green line represents the sliding enrichment score, the black bars demarcate the position of the gene set members within the ranked expression data (up-regulated, red; down-regulated, blue), and the bottom panel represents the log2 expression changes in Msi2Gt/Gt cells compared with WT cells.

Gene-expression analysis. (A) Heat map of all array probes misregulated at least 2-fold in either LSK or Kit+ Msi2Gt/Gt cells (n = 1399 probes), depicted as the ratio between knockout and WT cells. (B) Number of gene probes that were up-regulated (red bars) or down-regulated (green bars) in Msi2Gt/Gt cells compared with WT cells. (C) Selected Gene Ontology enrichments of probes misregulated in Msi2Gt/Gt LSK cells, showing corrected P values for significance. (D) Examples of GSEA plots obtained from expression change–ranked microarray data. The plots from 2 gene sets enriched in down-regulated genes (Proliferation and Myc pathway) and 2 gene sets enriched in up-regulated genes (Delayed mitosis and Migration) are shown. Within these plots, the green line represents the sliding enrichment score, the black bars demarcate the position of the gene set members within the ranked expression data (up-regulated, red; down-regulated, blue), and the bottom panel represents the log2 expression changes in Msi2Gt/Gt cells compared with WT cells.

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