Figure 4
Figure 4. Assessment of caspase 3 activation. (A) Percentage of Ly10 cells with activated caspase 3 at the 72-hour time point. Flow cytometric analysis reveals higher percentage of cells with activated caspase 3 in a sample treated with the combination of decitabine and panobinostat compared with samples treated with single agents (RRR = 0.8; P < .05). (B) Summary of caspase 3 activation in Ly1 and Ly10 cell lines with RRR at 2 time points (48 and 72 hours) and 2 concentrations of each drug (decitabine 5 and 10μM, panobinostat 5 and 10nM). Values represent means expressed as percentages compared with the untreated control; error bars represent SD.

Assessment of caspase 3 activation. (A) Percentage of Ly10 cells with activated caspase 3 at the 72-hour time point. Flow cytometric analysis reveals higher percentage of cells with activated caspase 3 in a sample treated with the combination of decitabine and panobinostat compared with samples treated with single agents (RRR = 0.8; P < .05). (B) Summary of caspase 3 activation in Ly1 and Ly10 cell lines with RRR at 2 time points (48 and 72 hours) and 2 concentrations of each drug (decitabine 5 and 10μM, panobinostat 5 and 10nM). Values represent means expressed as percentages compared with the untreated control; error bars represent SD.

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