Figure 2
Figure 2. The NFATC2 rs6021191 variant is an eQTL. RNA-seq data were available from the ALL tumor samples of 65 SJCRH patients and from 52 unrelated YRI HapMap samples to investigate the association between rs6021191 and NFATC2 gene expression. We found higher NFATC2 gene expression in samples with the rs6021191 variant compared with samples without the variant in both (A) ALL tumor samples (P = 1.1 × 10−3) and (B) YRI HapMap samples (P = .03). Allele abbreviations are explained in Figure 1.

The NFATC2 rs6021191 variant is an eQTL. RNA-seq data were available from the ALL tumor samples of 65 SJCRH patients and from 52 unrelated YRI HapMap samples to investigate the association between rs6021191 and NFATC2 gene expression. We found higher NFATC2 gene expression in samples with the rs6021191 variant compared with samples without the variant in both (A) ALL tumor samples (P = 1.1 × 10−3) and (B) YRI HapMap samples (P = .03). Allele abbreviations are explained in Figure 1.

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