Figure 5
Figure 5. Progeny of TS1 TEM are outcompeted by progeny of TS1 TN. HA104 mice received 750cGy and 8 × 106 RAG−/− BM cells in combination with 3000 Thy1.1 TS1 TN, 3000 Thy1.2 TS1 TEM, or a mix of both. On days 14, 21, and 28 spleen and colon cells were isolated. Representative flow cytometry plots showing Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 expression on splenic CD4+TS1+ cells on day 14 are shown in (A). The numbers of TS1 cells in the spleen and colon are shown in (B). P < .05 comparing numbers of TEM that are transferred alone to numbers of TEM that are cotransferred with TN in the spleen and colon for all time points analyzed except for the colon on day 28, for which P = .138. Days 14 and 21 are combined from 2 independent experiments; day 28 is from 1 experiment. There were 8 mice per group for days 14 and 21 and 3 mice per group for day 28.

Progeny of TS1 TEM are outcompeted by progeny of TS1 TN. HA104 mice received 750cGy and 8 × 106 RAG−/− BM cells in combination with 3000 Thy1.1 TS1 TN, 3000 Thy1.2 TS1 TEM, or a mix of both. On days 14, 21, and 28 spleen and colon cells were isolated. Representative flow cytometry plots showing Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 expression on splenic CD4+TS1+ cells on day 14 are shown in (A). The numbers of TS1 cells in the spleen and colon are shown in (B). P < .05 comparing numbers of TEM that are transferred alone to numbers of TEM that are cotransferred with TN in the spleen and colon for all time points analyzed except for the colon on day 28, for which P = .138. Days 14 and 21 are combined from 2 independent experiments; day 28 is from 1 experiment. There were 8 mice per group for days 14 and 21 and 3 mice per group for day 28.

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